Case Study: HorseSafe as a Foaling Alarm and Health & Wellness Monitor


Lissa, an avid horse owner, manages her broodmare and foal from a distance. Living off-site presented challenges in monitoring her mare's wellness, particularly during the critical foaling period. Concerned about missing the signs of labour and ensuring both her mare and foal's wellbeing, Lissa sought a reliable solution.


The Challenge

Foaling requires constant vigilance and quick response to ensure the safety of both the mare and the newborn foal. Without the ability to monitor her mare around the clock, Lissa faced significant stress and anxiety. Traditional methods of monitoring were impractical for her situation, as they demanded frequent physical checks and sleepless nights. She needed a system that could alert her to the onset of labour and monitor her mare's wellness continuously.


Solution: HorseSafe

Lissa implemented HorseSafe, a comprehensive monitoring system designed to track the activity and wellness of horses in real-time. HorseSafe provided Lissa with several key benefits that addressed her concerns:

Foaling Alarm: HorseSafe's advanced sensors and algorithms detect signs of labour, sending immediate alerts to Lissa's phone. This feature allowed Lissa to start her journey to arrive at the labour, ensuring timely assistance and reducing the risk of complications.

Continuous Health Monitoring: HorseSafe tracks activity levels, and behaviour patterns, providing Lissa with detailed insights into her mare's wellness. This continuous monitoring helped detect early signs of potential health issues, enabling prompt intervention.

Remote Access: With remote access to HorseSafe's data, Lissa could monitor her mare from anywhere. This feature was particularly valuable given her off-site living situation, allowing her to stay connected and informed without needing to be physically present.



HorseSafe proved to be a game-changer for Lissa. Here’s how it transformed her foaling and overall horse care experience:

Foaling Success: One night, HorseSafe alerted Lissa (and a designated friend that lived nearby) that her mare was showing signs of foaling. Thanks to the timely notification, the friend turned up as the mare was foaling and Lissa arrived just after to provide necessary care. This prompt intervention ensured a healthy delivery for both the mare and foal.

Health and Wellness Monitoring: Beyond foaling, HorseSafe's continuous monitoring allowed Lissa to track her mare's activity and wellness. The system alerted her to early signs of a colic episode, enabling her to seek immediate veterinary care. This early detection prevented a potentially severe health issue and saved significant veterinary costs.

Peace of Mind: With HorseSafe, Lissa no longer had to worry about her mare's condition during the night or when she was away. The system's reliable alerts and detailed recorded data provided her with peace of mind, knowing she could always stay informed and act quickly if needed.

"I didn't know when my mare conceived and so had no idea when she would foal. HorseSafe notified me when she was giving birth, and I arrived soon after to see the newborn. HorseSafe helped ensure prompt postnatal care and a healthy mare and foal, and I am so glad I made the decision to use it. Additionally, its continuous health monitoring alerted me to an early colic episode, which could have been disastrous. HorseSafe has truly been a lifesaver." — Lissa



HorseSafe's multi-functionality as a foaling alarm and activity & wellness monitor provides horse owners with unparalleled support. For Lissa, it meant timely foaling assistance, early detection of health issues, and overall peace of mind. HorseSafe continues to revolutionise equine care, offering reliable, real-time monitoring that ensures the wellbeing of horses and peace of mind for their owners.

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