HorseSafe and Massey University Vet School collaborate on equine research

We are excited to announce the start of a research collaboration between the Equine Research Centre at the Massey University School of Veterinary Science and HorseSafe. Professor Chris Rogers (Professor in Equine Science) is leading an initial study into the effect of pasture management practices on the health of thoroughbred broodmares in partnership with Alabar Stud Farms in Auckland. Approximately 20 horses will be involved in the study.


The research is made possible by using HorseSafe’s sophisticated ability to constantly monitor horse behaviour and provide data that has not previously been available to researchers. Previously, data gathering for these sorts of studies has been limited to observation and video analysis which is time-consuming, prone to error and expensive. This exercise provides an opportunity to do things in a new way.

The 20 broodmares in the study on Alabar Stud Farm in Auckland will wear HorseSafe devices for several weeks, and will participate in a structured experiment moving from paddock to paddock with HorseSafe recording their eating and movement 24/7 during the study. The goal is to learn about broodmare behaviour and the impact of changing paddocks regularly on their nutritional status. A secondary goal is to learn more about the potential for additional long-term research underpinned by HorseSafe data.

HorseSafe provides a revolutionary new way of constantly monitoring horses. It applies lessons learnt in improving human health with better knowledge to horses. This knowledge-based approach to horse care is informed by real-life data gathered about each individual horse accumulated over time.

“Already in our preparatory work we have seen things we haven’t been able to see before, now we have the data from HorseSafe” reports Chris Rogers. “We are excited about this project and its potential to improve the way we can capture and analyse horse data in the future”.

Tristan Wade (HorseSafe co-founder) says “We are very pleased to be working with Chris, Massey University and Alabar Stud and look forward to seeing how HorseSafe can be used to advance equine health and wellness”.


About the Massey University Equine Research Centre 

Massey ranks highly in the top vet schools in the world and is internationally accredited. The Massey University Equine Research Centre is a unique collaboration between veterinarians, animal scientists and sport scientists, to address key industry research questions. It performs scientific research and promotes education to optimise the health and welfare of horses, and the productivity of the equine industry.

About Alabar Stud Farms

Alabar Stud Farms is a world leader in the Standardbred Breeding Industry; breeding and racing horses in Australia and New Zealand.

About HorseSafe

HorseSafe provides peace of mind for horse owners, and others involved in the care of horses, who can't always be with their horses and want to know they are safe and sound. The solution consists of a horse monitor and app showing information about the horse and sending alerts if the horse may be sick, injured, colicing, cast, or has escaped. HorseSafe comes with a comfortable harness, operates at long range (many kilometres) and doesn't require battery changes or charging. Its’ revolutionary AI technology allows us to see changes in behaviour, based on both the horses unique normal behaviour and population wide data patterns.


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